My Review and Thoughts:
This is an amazing complex poetry book of dynamic wordplay and an imaginative truth of ideas, scenarios. Most of all it grabs the reader, and sends them into a bliss of excellence.
This is an emotional package of walkways into an array of personal inner self, and also the beating heart of an open road of discovery. Words can be powerful and Tripp makes those words come to life, beat as if a heart beats, care as if love personified page after page.
I really loved this book of poetry and sayings. So much came to life within my mind, heart and even my soul seemed to beckon for the page to be turned. It’s almost an understatement to call it a mere book of poetry, because it’s a book that shines as it's own unique reality.
The poetry is untitled. The thoughts are untitled. Each poem, or thought, or saying is an unmade vacant intensity that transcends off the page.
Tripp is like, a Guru of inner thoughts, a personal poetry that bleeds from the soul, A unique blend of short word play that becomes the reality of what poetry is all about, an emotional journey.
I find this book of beautiful and thoughtful word play, a complex intensity, that the mind falls in love with; that the heart beats with, and the soul can understand the inner most recesses of the words that come to life on these pages.
Tripp is able to take the reader, the poetry lover, into her thoughtful sayings, and allows the person to slowly understand, appreciate, remember and want to spread the word about this book.
I found myself reading each poem over and over, certain ones, stick deeply with you, and all of them are ones that become something you want to return to.
One of my favorites is so short and simple yet so telling that it really does linger with you:
love me so deep that
your roots are mine
and my roots are yours
your roots are mine
and my roots are yours
if only you could see me
the way i see you when
you see me see us.
the way i see you when
you see me see us.
I highly recommend this book of sayings and poetry. I can't help put praise this unique blend of thoughts that own the page. Tripp truly understands the concept of word play. She is able to take thoughts, turn them into living, breathing reality.
root is a book I will return to often. A book I will express and recommend. It's a book I think will make a great present for any reader, or poetry lover, or poet. root is a book that sticks with you, and that is priceless in a world of constant variety of books. So many books are published today that come and go, but I feel root is a book that needs to be remembered and expressed. It is, in my viewpoint, a perfect book of poetry.
My Rating: 5 out of 5
My Rating: 5 out of 5