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I love reading.

First off if your an author, publisher and want an honest down to earth review then I love all styles of writing, I read anything and everything. I currently read print form only. So if you want a free review (that does not mean it will be a positive review, for I am an honest reviewer, and review with honesty) email me and I will let you know were to send the book. I will post my review here on my website, Goodreads and Amazon and free promotion on Social MediaMy email to contact me is:

Books are a major part of my life. I read all styles of books. My reading is a vast array of all sorts of genre's. I don't think there is one set book story-line that I tend to stick to. I always like to spread out into all forms of writing. From, History, Biography, Drama, Suspense, Horror, Sci-fi, Mystery, Romance, African American, Gothic, Classic Lit, Paranormal, True Crime, and whatever else style that I tend to adventure into to.

I wanted to create this page just to express my love of reading and books. Showcasing the books I am reading and also what I think about those books.

If your a reader like me, lets be reading friends. You can join me on Twitter or Goodreads and also you can email me if you want to talk books.

My Email is:

I am a bookaholic. I read constantly. I love books. I love going to bookstores. I love seeking out books, finding books, searching for books.

I love the smell of books. I love going to bookstores and just scanning each aisle, looking at all the possibilities. Looking at each author, seeking and exploring new realms of literature.

I have an obsession, and that obsession is I'm a bookaholic and proud of it.